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Hey, I'm A Wordpress Designer.

 Hi! I’m Atik, an experienced WordPress Design passionate about creating functional and visually appealing websites. My goal is to optimize website performance, enhance user experience, and meet client specifications. Let’s build something amazing together!

wordpress design

10 Years Job


500+ Projects



24/7 Support

30+ Awards


wordpress development

About Me

This comprehensive course covers the basics of web development, including WordPress design HTML, CSS, responsive design, Flexbox, CSS transitions, and deploying websites using GitHub Pages. You’ll gain practical skills and work on real-world projects

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my services

Elevate your online presence with our expert WordPress development services. From custom themes to plugin integrations, we bring your vision to life with precision and expertise.


Unlock the full potential of your website with our expert WordPress design services. From custom themes and plugins to seamless integrations, we cater to your unique requirements, ensuring a polished and functional online presence

Website Design

Crafting captivating digital experiences tailored to your brand. Our website design services blend creativity with functionality, ensuring your online presence stands out and engages your audience effectively


Empower your online presence with WordPress. Our tailored solutions harness the power of this versatile platform, delivering stunning websites with seamless functionality, flexibility, and ease of use.


Drive organic traffic and elevate your online visibility with our SEO services. From keyword optimization to content strategy, we implement proven techniques to boost your website's ranking and attract your target audience.

my resume

Real Problem Solutions Experience (RPSE) is a dynamic program that equips participants with practical skills to solve real-world challenges. Through immersive projects, collaboration, and mentorship, individuals engage in hands-on learning, developing critical thinking and innovative problem-solving abilities. RPSE bridges theoretical knowledge and practical application, preparing participants to effectively tackle complex issues in their professional careers.

1998 - 2010

Education Quality

Bsc In Computer Scienc

University Of DIV (2006 - 2010)

A Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSc in CS) is an undergraduate degree focused on programming, algorithms, software development, and computer systems. It prepares students for careers in technology by providing essential skills to design and optimize software and hardware solutions. 


AS - Science & Information

SuperKing College (2001 - 2005)

An Associate of Science in Science & Information is a two-year degree that provides foundational knowledge in scientific principles and information technology. The program covers topics such as computer science, data analysis, and information systems, preparing students for entry-level positions or further study in related fields

Secondary School Education

Kingstar Secondary School (1998 - 2000)

Secondary School Education provides students, typically aged 12 to 18, with a comprehensive curriculum that includes core subjects like mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies. It prepares students for higher education or vocational training, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and personal development

2010 - 2024

Job Experience

WordPress Designer

Google Out Tech (2021 - Present)

A WordPress Designer specializes in creating and customizing websites using WordPress. They design visually appealing and user-friendly layouts, modify themes, and ensure the site’s functionality aligns with client needs. Their role involves combining design principles with technical skills to deliver a seamless web experience.


WordPress Theme Customization

Webflow Developer Team (2015 - 2021)

WordPress theme customization involves modifying a WordPress theme to meet specific design and functionality requirements. This process includes altering the theme’s layout, colors, fonts, and features using custom code or theme settings. It aims to create a unique, branded website that aligns with the user’s needs and preferences.

Junior Front-End Developer

LinkedIn (2010 - 2015)

A Junior Front-End Developer builds and maintains the user interface of websites and applications. They use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create responsive and interactive designs, working under the guidance of senior developers to improve their coding skills and contribute to various projects.

clients testimonials

Please take a moment to share your thoughts on your recent project experience. Your insights will help me enhance my offerings and ensure that future projects are even more successful.

Rodolfo E. Shannon

CEO & Founder

Earum tristique sunt, euismod laoreet feugiat debitis mauris justo laboris.

Kenneth J. Dutton

Web Developer

Earum tristique sunt, euismod laoreet feugiat debitis mauris justo laboris.

News & Blog

Stay updated with the latest happenings and important updates in our field. Our “Latest News” section provides timely and relevant information to keep you informed about the most recent developments, announcements, and events. From industry breakthroughs to company milestones, this is your go-to source for all current news.

Explore our curated selection of insightful articles and thought pieces in the “Blogs” section. Written by industry experts and enthusiasts, our blogs cover a wide range of topics designed to inform, inspire, and engage. Whether you’re looking for tips, in-depth analyses, or the latest trends, our blog posts provide valuable perspectives and knowledge.

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